Monday, March 7, 2011

Fighting Rooster Goes to Seed

(edited march 9))

Fighting Rooster Goes to Seed

Musket feints
Must get faint
The Rooster feigns:
A farmer's grain
Several aloe legions,
Severs all allegiance
But unto the range

A driven drove
Equates his meekness
With a habitude of weakness,
"There he spares a sparrow
Crows, 'Owl not deprive it'
This we can deprave,
Supplant his supple plants"

Bantam Rooster banters
Plows past ravished radish
Peas mussed, beans deep-ended
Peace must be defended
He puts off procrastination
And wetly whets his beak
This Rooster brawls for beets
The Rooster bought the farm

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